Friday, March 13, 2009

Turmoil in Pakistan

It appears Pakistan is heading for constitutional Crisis. ex Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's proposed rally and long march for Islamabad/Karachi , and his open invitation to the Pakistani Nationals , including Advocates to join his march, proposed to outst President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani, is infact, a strategy applied by Mr Sharif to dethrone the President / Prime Minister of Pakistan and to anyhow capture power , and in the process divert the attention of the People of Pakistan, from real issues : of poverty, inflation, Al Queda, Tasher e Toiba, and other terror groups . The world leaders are watching the development in PAkistan very minutely, so also, India , as destabilisation in Pakistan means more problems for South Asia , particularily India. Let us be hopeful, Pakistan emerges winner in their internal matters and provides peace and sets a good example to the whole world.

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