Sunday, May 13, 2012

60th Anniversary of Indian Parliament

On Sunday May 13,  our Parliament  met and celebrated the 60th anniversary of its first session. Deliberative democracy and Parliament go hand in hand 60th anniversary is a great occasion and every Indian will take pride in the fact that we have an enriched the parliamentary traditions Let us  use this occasion to look back and review the performance of one of our great democratic institutions the Parliament which  today faces three major challenges. First, that of  crisis of connectivity. and also is a disconnect between the people , and the house their representatives sit in. People do not get the feel of  belonging towards what happens in Parliament and have come to believe that Parliament  precious little in matters of redressal of  their grievances to undoing injustice to shaping the right kind of policies.It is perceived that democracy is far from delivering, it is a commentary on the productivity of our parliamentary business. farmers’ woes,  issues continue to be raised with unmistakable regularity, and with no result and the media gets an issue and of course  problems refuse to be resolved and there is popular disenchantment and frustration . Parliament appears to be on the decline and the  quality of debates and discussions is  deteriorating, sensitivity and the spirit of accommodation continue to be in short supply on the part of the treasury benches whereas the inadequacy of parliamentary tools has adversely affected the performance of the Opposition too. Parliamentary questions,/calling attention and other motions/ walk-outs and private Bills/ are fast becoming less and less effective, and in the process  public oversight and accountability is weighed down Indian polity suffers from the myopia of Delhi-centric mentality and the  approach has already greatly harmed our political thinking. India is not confined to Delhi alone, and our Parliament has to have a  mechanism for greater outreach. Even at 60, if our Parliament refuses to, have a re-look, at its own functionality and it will have itself to blame for the continuing erosion of its dignity. 

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