Sunday, May 13, 2012

Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee (Legal Cell)

Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee (Legal Cell) under the Chairmanship of Umesh Narain Sharma Chairman UPCC Legal Cell at Vighyan Parishad Allahabad University Allahabad . Sri Shyam Krishna Pandey City Congress Committee President was the Chief guest of Honour . Participants dwelt at length the problems faced by the advocates in promoting the cause of the litigants and also in raising burning issues facing the party in the state of U P. Speakers Shailendra, Ranjan Srivastava Umesh Narain Sharma , Ms Ratna Pandey, Jai Singh Yadav and Raj Kumar Ojha and Vasistha Tewari dwelt at length ways and means to improve the cells working. It was resolved yjat Sri Umesh Narain Sharma along with delegates shall shall apprise the Central Leadership and present three point charter. Delegates from all over the Pradesh Participated in he deliberations.

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